Private page for Snowy Hydro and UGL
We’d love to meet to discuss the potential to assist the Hunter Power Project with project monitoring, stakeholder engagement and project planning among other things. This introductory video will explain some of what we’d like to assist with. we provide a project page like this for each of our clients, featuring not an introduction like this, but updates on the project, including time-lapse videos, 2d and 3d models, shapefiles, photographs, videos, orthomosaics and any other deliverables that you may require, that we can deliver.
Let me Explain
A example time-lapse video of the kind we can supply, monthly, weekly or at your chosen schedule interval is below.
Previous monthly updates would be made available in the files section below.
Latest Photographs
We only took sufficient nadir images to create a partial orthomosaic on our first speculative visit, for obvious reasons. Typically we would provide a number of images and videos, sufficient to document project progress on each visit. Where required, orthomosaics would be georeferenced to centimetre level accuracy using ground control points, RTK and NTRIP.
All photographs across the project lifecycle would be available in the files section below
Before and After Orthomosaics